How to download and install Java JDK 12 in Mac (set JAVAHOME Path) - cd / ls -al // Hidden files vi.bashprofile export JAVAHOM. Download the JDK installer. Once you're on the Downloads page, you'll need to navigate to the installer files: Click the 'Java' option. Click 'Java SE.' Click the 'Download' button next to 'JDK 8 with NetBeans.' Select 'Accept License Agreement' and then click the download link for 'Mac OS X' in the top section.
I am trying to create my first macro with LibreOffice version on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.14.5. When I select menu item 'Tools | Macros | Run Macro' I get this popup box: 'LibreOffice requires Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) on Mac OS X 10.10 or greater to perform this task. Please install them and restart LibreOffice.' However, the title of the popup box is 'JRE Required'.
I found a potential answer to this problem in the question 'Mac Java problem when creating a database' but the detailed directions talk about installing the JDK. The error messages I got in the popup implied that I need both the JDK and the JRE.
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE? What are the current instructions for installing the needed Oracle libraries if I want to use macros?
Thanks, bobby
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE?
Yes. As I understand, Oracle doesn't provide a JRE alone. Sorry, I can't give any other pointer as I don't use Mac.
How to download and install Java JDK 12 in Mac (set JAVAHOME Path) - cd / ls -al // Hidden files vi.bashprofile export JAVAHOM. Download the JDK installer. Once you're on the Downloads page, you'll need to navigate to the installer files: Click the 'Java' option. Click 'Java SE.' Click the 'Download' button next to 'JDK 8 with NetBeans.' Select 'Accept License Agreement' and then click the download link for 'Mac OS X' in the top section.
I am trying to create my first macro with LibreOffice version on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.14.5. When I select menu item 'Tools | Macros | Run Macro' I get this popup box: 'LibreOffice requires Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) on Mac OS X 10.10 or greater to perform this task. Please install them and restart LibreOffice.' However, the title of the popup box is 'JRE Required'.
I found a potential answer to this problem in the question 'Mac Java problem when creating a database' but the detailed directions talk about installing the JDK. The error messages I got in the popup implied that I need both the JDK and the JRE.
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE? What are the current instructions for installing the needed Oracle libraries if I want to use macros?
Thanks, bobby
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE?
Yes. As I understand, Oracle doesn't provide a JRE alone. Sorry, I can't give any other pointer as I don't use Mac.
@gabix There is a JRE for Mac OS X (current versions filename is jre-8u221-macosx-x64.dmg
), but LibreOffice can't deal with that.
I meant the current Java, not the old Java 8.
E-bot, why not repost it as an answer?
Jdk Download For Mac Os
Since I work with Windows and not with Mac, I only saw it as an additional hint. And the question was already marked as solved. If it still helps, so much the better. Have all your joy in it.